Fake goods run amok, a brother spray gum to stand up. Fake furniture spray glue category isvarious, the good and bad are intermingled, hidden in it.Some are playing thetitle of environmental protection furniture glue, but there are some poorquality resins, chemicals, materials and so on. It is easy to make the powderfor long time, even to produce the irritating smell for a long time, so we needto choose and buy the environmental protectionfurniture spray glue.
The water-based mattress spray glueprovides a simple way to distinguish the quality of the environment-friendlyfurniture spray. Consumers should learn to "see, press and smell"when purchasing the environment-friendly mattress: "See" whether the appearance ofthe mattress is thick and uniform. The mattress surface of the good mattress isbound to be smooth, the line marks are well and beautiful, and the mattress isalso qualified. (the brand mattress of the OECD registration should have acertificate of qualification, including the source of all the raw materials,the composition table). "Pressure" is to try to press themattress by hand. First try to press the diagonal pressure of the mattress, andthen press the surface of the mattress evenly. The filling material is evenlydistributed, the quality of the mattress with the balance of anti elastic forceis good, and the best consumer can lie up and feel it personally. "Smell" is to detect whether themattress has irritating smell.If the existence can prove that the use of the mattressspray glue does not meet the environmental protection requirements, thechoice needs to be careful. BIGGER manufactures Bigger sofaspray adhesive/glue, Bigger mattressspray adhesive/glue, Bigger sponge spray adhesive/glueand other adhesives are in line with the national new national standard.Theproducts are environment-friendly, non-toxic and safe.Bigger is one of the fewmulti-functional suppliers of adhesive solutions to solve difficult andcomplicated problems.