High temperature inrush, Bigger water based spray glue to avoidthe dilemma of opening glue. According to the meteorologicalstation, Beijing, Hebei and other places will enter a new round of hotweather in recent days, with the highest temperature in many areas reachingover 35 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity in hot areas generallyranging from 40 percent to 60 percent.In order to avoid the dilemma of product opening in this sweltering temperature, you need to know Bigger water-based spray adhesive. Bigger water-based spray adhesiveis a kind of green environmental protection spray adhesive with safe,non-toxic, no smell, no flooding agent, no pollution, extremely low VOC, nocorrosion and other characteristics.At the same time, it also has theadvantages of good heat resistance, strong adhesion, good spraying effect, nopowder, fast drying speed, low dosage and plasticizer resistance.In theenvironmental protection era that advocates "water-based mainly andoil-assisted", Bigger water-based spray glue will play a leading role inthe market of spraying glue. After Bigger researchers tested Biggerwater-based spray glue products, they found that the products did not popopen or bulge after being placed at a high temperature of 70 degrees Celsiusfor 7 hours.After 6 hours of cooling, there was no gelatinization. When theouter foreskin was removed, the required strength was large and the stickinesswas sufficient.The use of Bigger water-based spray adhesive in high temperatureenvironment can avoid the dilemma of product opening, and at the same time, itcan avoid the situation of repainting, which relatively reduces the cost ofspraying glue.
Bigger spray adhesive is a spray adhesive research anddevelopment more than 20 years the production of adhesive chemical companies,has been with sofa spray adhesive,mattress spray glue,sponge spray glue,suitcase&bags spray adhesive, water-based spray glue and so on more than200 kinds of environmental protection spray adhesive products.In which theservice product.BIGGER will choose the close to or meet the requirements of thecustomers use glue, and allow customers to try the glue through customerrequirement for spray adhesive to adjust spray adhesive performance, to providecustomers with more suitable products.