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Post time 2020-6-19 15:06:59 63 浏览 0 回复

Bigger water-based spray glue made a sound.

The whales died from environmental pollution, Biggerwater-based spray glue made a sound.
Another whale has died from man-madeenvironmental pollution.According to NBC reported in June 3rd, a sperm whaledied in Thailand. More than 80 plastic bags were found in the stomach, plusother plastic products in the abdomen, weighing more than 17 pounds (8kilograms).
The whale was found in a canal in Sonka,southern Thailand, on May 28 and was treated by a group of veterinarians, NBCreported.According to the Thai ministry of Marine and coastal resources!Thewhale died after spewing out five plastic bags on June 1.An autopsy found thewhale had 80 plastic bags and other plastic products weighing more than eightkilograms.
The United Nations environment programme(UNEP) in December last year, according to data from the world each year, 8million tons of plastic bottles, bags and other waste materials were dumpedinto the ocean, killed Marine life, "and entered the human food chain.
Bigger environmental protection water-basedspray adhesive for thisvoice: adhere to the cause of environmental protection adhesive.
The production of Bigger water-basedspraying glue will be checked at different levels: the water-based sprayingglue for each bucket of Bigger is not only an important indicator ofenvironmental protection, but also a strict requirement for the selection ofmaterials for furniture spraying glue.Bigger bear in mind the mission, stick tothe bottom line of environmental protection, insist on being an environmental protection furniture sprayadhesive manufacturer that can make everybody trust.
Bigger water-based spray glue
Ordinary water-based spray glue
PH test paper test value
No corrosion
Moisture  content
Less water,  faster surface drying
The water  content is large and the watch dries slowly
sponge hander edge not hard edge not cut hands
Stiff open sponge edge
no odor  residue
Odoriferous  residue
The above data after a long time by the Biggerwater-based spray glue manufacturer is educed, Bigger water-based sprayglue is a kind of non-toxic, tasteless, no solvent, low VOC, pollution-freeenvironment-friendly two-component water-borne glue.It has the characteristicsof good heat resistance, strong adhesion, good spraying, non-powder,anti-plasticizer, anti-seepage oil, less dosage, fast drying rate and so on.


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